Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sea urchins is commonly consumed either raw or with minimal heating to preserve the subtle flavours. There are certainly many applications where it may be cooked as well! Very fresh whelk may be eaten raw and thinly sliced as sashimi. However, it is important to remember that consuming raw or minimally cooked seafood, just as with meats or eggs, does carry some risk of foodborne illness. If you have underlying medical conditions or are currently pregnant, we would advise you to fully cook our products.

  • Thank you for placing your order! We will now send the order to our fishermen and fish factory in Rimouski so they can start preparing your order. Depending on the seafood you have ordered, they might need to first go harvesting so this might take a few days. Once your order is ready to be shipped from Rimouski, we'll give you a call to let you know that your order is ready for pick up or to schedule a delivery time. This is the best way to provide you with the freshest seafood!

  • Yes, it is perfectly normal to see some black dots and white liquid on your sea urchins and they are totally edible. Although we do our best to rince each gonade with salt water, it's still a natural product and we do not add any chemicals or colour enhancers. So it is absolutely normal to see difference in colour and shape. Sometimes, the looks don't reflect the taste, even if they look small or pale, the taste can still be sweet and delicious!

  • We currently have few partnered location where they serve our Quebec Sea Urchins. If you are in the South Shore Area, you can go directly to Poissonnerie L'Eperlan, and Sushi Yasu Brossard also serves it as sushi or sashimi. If you are in downtown Montreal, you can go to Poissonnerie Shamrock, stop by Jun-I for their perfectionned sushi, Sumi Dojo with their Omakase menu or Nozy with their Uni Don! We are constantly looking to expand our partnerships... request your favorite fish stores for Quebec Sea Urchins as well as your favorite restaurants to have Quebec Uni on their menu.

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